1. ) Belladonna-nose red, swollen and shining with small red pimples great dryness  of the nose swelling and tension of the upper lip.      

2.) Agaricus- Redness with burning neat in the face. burning itching on the cheeks.

3) Graphites – Acne in person inclined to obesity particularly woman with a disposition to delayed menstruation. The skin is dry.

4) Berberis aquifolium – oily greasy skin

5) kali brom. – pimples on the face , chest & shoulder that itch. blackheads pustules, that have a depressed center. pimples that comes on during hormonal changes during puberty.


A cataract is when your eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy. Proteins in your lens break down and cause things to look blurry, hazy or less colorful.

Inside our eyes, we have a natural lens. The lens bends (refracts) light rays that come into the eye to help us see. The lens should be clear, like the top lens in the illustration.

If you have a cataract, your lens has become cloudy, like the bottom lens in the illustration. It is like looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Things look blurry, hazy or less colorful with a cataract.

Signs and symptoms of cataract include:

Clouded, blurred or dim vision.
Increasing difficulty with vision at night.
Sensitivity to light and glare.
Need for brighter light for reading and other activities.
Seeing “halos” around lights.
Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription.
Fading or yellowing of colors.
Remedies for Cataract

1) Calcarea carbonica

This remedy may be indicated when a person developing cataracts has the feeling of looking through a mist. A person needing this remedy tends to be a responsible type, but feels overwhelmed when under stress and fears breakdown or disease.

2)Calcarea fluorica

This remedy is often indicated when tissues harden or thicken abnormally. A person needing this remedy may also have a tendency toward hard swollen lymph nodes, joint pains, fibrous growths, or bone-spurs.

3) Causticum

This remedy has been helpful in some cases when the person developing cataracts also had problems moving the eyes, as if the muscles around the eyeballs were stiff or weak—especially after getting cold in the wind or open air.

4) Silicea (also called Silica)

This remedy has been helpful to some individuals who developed cataracts after extended periods of eyestrain, or after perspiration of the feet had been suppressed. Silicea.

Other Remedies like

5) Natrum muriaticum This remedy may be indicated when cataracts begin to develop. The muscles around the eyes can feel bruised and weak, especially when the person looks down. The person may have a feeling of gauze across the eyes, and parts of the field of vision may be hard to focus on. Phosphorus People who need this remedy may have a feeling that dust or mist in the eyes is obscuring vision, or may experience soreness that feels like eyestrain after very little use. They sometimes see little

Remedies chosen on basis of symptom similimum helps the best.

Best regards,

Dr.Kinjal Shah Doshi.


9987000175 / 9769978874

Allergy in general terms means dislike or intolerance, but in Medical terms, it means a disorder in which the body becomes hypersensitive to a particular allergen or stimulus. Here when a person comes in contact with substances that they are allergic to will intern cause a chain of reaction in an allergic person, like itching, redness, swelling etc.

To understand the general reaction of the human body when the allergic person is exposed to the stimulus, there are certain terms that need to be clear:

ALLERGEN: An agent or substance which producesAllergy.

ANTIBODY: A substance produced by the body to fight disease in reaction to antigens.

ANTIGEN: Any substance which under favourable conditions can stimulate the production of antibodies. Disease caused by Allergy

1) Asthma

2) Hay Fever

3) Allergic Rhinitis

4) Urticaria (Hives)

5) Allergic Eczema

6) Allergic Contact Dermatitis

7) Parthenium(weed) Allergy

8) Allergy to Vegetables

9) Cosmetic Allergy

10) Metal Allergy

11) Clothing Allergy

12) Chemical Allergy

13) Food Allergy

14) Drug Allergy

15) Physical Allergy

16) Ocular Allergy

17) Climate Allergy

18) Environmental Allergy

19) Allergy due to Electro Magnetic Fields

20) Nervous Allergy

Commonly Seen Food Allergies

Signs And Symptoms:

Allergy depending on the affected part or area or organ, show different signs and symptoms altogether, and it also depends on the sensitivity of the patient, nutritional status, hereditary factors, emotional and mental status, environment and occupation. It generally presents with normal cold and cough, some skin reaction, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches, itching, rashes on the skin, acidity depending on person to person. In some patients, the allergic reaction leads to anaphylaxis and it is life threatening and requires immediate hospital admission.


If your troubles seem to be the probable cause of an allergy, your doctor will be able to assist you in several ways. However certain precautionsare required to be taken and they are as follows:

1) Avoid pollens, spores of fungi, also avoid keeping indoor plants

2) Avoid living or going to basements damp places, places where walls absorb moisture

3) Avoid collection of dust from carpets, mattress, pillows, curtains, rugs, books

4) Avoid taking contaminated food or food whichcauses allergy to food sensitive persons

5) Keep animals outside the house, avoid pets likebirds, cats dogs, turtles

6) Avoid cosmetics, metals, ornaments, fabrics, towhich you are allergic to.

7) Do not use hairsprays, perfumes, strong odours, DDT, crop sprays, insecticides, pesticides, paints and varnishes.

8) Avoid use of medicines like sulpha drugs, anti-inflammatory, anti- pyretic, getyourself tested for one

9) Keep away from smokes, pollution, industrial wastes, tie a scarf around nose and mouth if travelling.

10) Avoid living near sea shores or damp places.


Homoeopathy being a holistic science, works not only on the pathology but also, on the physique and the mind of the person. It acts on the physical and mental level, boosting the body’s own defence system to cope with the exposure to allergens rather than suppressing the allergic symptoms.
Various remedies like medo., merc., syph. , thuja., tub., bac. , spong., kali-p., kali-bi, pulmo vulpis,.blatta., sulph., naja. etc is

( Caution: Do not self- medicate, take homoeopathic medicines under the supervision of a Homoeopathic Physician )

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Kalp Clinic

Dr.Kinjal Shah

M.D. (HOM).

INJURY in any form is the commonest outcome of any good games played around the world along with winners and losers. In order to heal this wear and tear apart from the conventional line of medication, homoeopathic medications is a wonderful option. as it delivers miraculous results.

Despite the potential seriousness and long-term effects of some sports injuries, there are few homoeopathic medicinal ways of helping the healing process. Apart from analgesics to control pain, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation.

Generally Prescribed medicines over-the-counter are painkillers and NSAIDs may be effective, but their use is limited and there may be side effects. They may also include banned substances which could lead to an athlete’s exclusion from a sport. To neglect the treatment of the whole person – by concentrating exclusively on the physical healing of the pathology – will allow all the problems generated by injury to continue to plague the individual and affect his or her future performance. Such a regime will almost certainly ensure that the performer or athlete will suffer the long-term effects of the injury or injuries more severely in later life – injury predisposes to further injury generally used drugs NSAIDs may counter inflammation.

Their use for longer than about 72 hours may delay healing in a traumatic injury. An athlete or dancer should only use them with care, and should not do so to permit continued performance by simply masking pain and inflammation – take them with great care. The most common side effects are gastric bleeding and asthma, and they can also induce an asthma attack in sensitive individuals. They are contra-indicated for patients taking medication for heart disease, ulcers, hypertension and kidney problems. Little information is available about the long-term damage they may cause to the organism.

Hence No athlete or performer should take NSAIDs to mask pain in order to continue playing or performing, regardless of the importance of the occasion. A performer may sometimes use corticosteroids to suppress pain and continue performing. Their effect is to suppress the acute inflammatory reaction and to reduce the phagocytic reaction of polymorphs and macrophages. The most serious effect of such treatment is to delay healing and decrease the bulk and strength of scar tissue. They are sometimes useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as recurring tennis elbow and other conditions where a palpable knot of scar tissue may be tender.

Tenosynovitis, peritendinitis, bursitis and synovitis, as well as other inflammatory conditions causing pain and impaired function, may also respond well to well indicated or selected homoeopathic medicines. There is no published research showing the long-term effects of available anti-inflammatory drugs, and I suggest they should only be used with caution. The level of pain can indicate the seriousness of an injury and the altered state of the individual. Never ignore it or play, run, work or dance through it. Sports physicians are easily accessible and can provide a skilled diagnosis.

Physiotherapy is the most effective treatment for injuries sustained by physical performers. From the immediate application of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) to exercises promoting rehabilitation, and including all the thermal and electrical techniques, the physiotherapist or osteopath are almost the only resources for the injured athlete. Although the physical relief of pain, easing of stiffness, reduction of swelling and haematoma, and mobilisation by manipulation or other means, all go a long way towards speedy and effective healing, they often leave the deeper effects of the injury untreated.

Rehabilitation plays an important part in recovery but is often cut short or neglected because of the urge to return to activity. Because homoeopathic medicine treats the whole person it often ensures more complete and speedier healing, and thus a quicker return to activity. The patient, not the pathology Look at the patient as a whole. Observe the way the person feels and responds to the injury, as well as to you.

You will also need to ask a few questions, and use your powers of observation on the person and not just the injury. Whenever I see a patient who has suffered an injury, the site of that injury may be secondary to its effects. Whether it is an injured ankle, broken leg, torn muscle or concussion, my first few questions usually decide the first remedy. If the injury was the result of trauma, whether due to a blow, twisting, stretching or friction, if there is a haematoma, swelling and bleeding, and if the injury is very sore and painful, the person feels bruised all over and says he feels fine, Arnica can help and bring about good results.
I am often asked to prescribe for people with an acute condition. Regardless of the location of the injury, my first few questions are about the pain, when it occurs and whether it is improved or exacerbated by continued movement. At the same time, I observe how the patient seems as a person – posture, general demeanour, hot or cold, restless, fearful, nervous, afraid to be touched or treated, and as many of the obvious symptoms as possible. The symptoms decide the remedy.

so this is how a well indicated homoeopathic medicine cures the case of injury completely. it is one of the best medicines for sports injury without any side effects on the health of an athlete.

Nails serves to enhance precise delicate movements of the fingers through counter-pressure exerted on the pulp of the finger. It functions as a tool, enabling, for instance, a so-called “extended precision grip” (e.g. pulling out a splinter in one’s finger), and certain cutting or scraping actions. Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protective protein called alpha-keratin.


Most commonly seen disease of the nail beds(fingernail or toenail) where the nail beds become infected by bacteria or fungi is called paronychia. In such condition, the surrounding skin of the nails starts to irritate and may present as pain, redness and swelling around.

Alarming Symptoms Of Nail Infections –

Ø Redness around the nails bed.

Ø Swelling around the nails bed.

Ø Several nails on the same hand may be affected at the same time.

Ø Formation of Pus.

Ø Pain and tenderness in the affected nail bed.

Ø Difficulty in doing normal work or walking.

Ø The skin around the nail feels moist or “boggy.”


What are the Causes?

Ø Patients suffering from diabetes.

Ø People who use more water are more prone to such diseases.

Ø Biting or pulling off a hangnail.

Ø Fishermen and Washer men are the prime sufferers.

Ø People used to use washing bar frequently suffers more.

Ø The habit of Biting or pulling own nails.

Ø Cutting or pushing back the skin around the sides and bottom of the nail. Use of chemicals on the nail bed in forms of nail polish or nail polish remover.

Ø Injury during pedicure or manicure. Dirty nails.

Ø Exposed to clays or any infected thing.

Treatment :

It is a very simple disease and maximum time recovers itself gradually within a week but the problem arises when the pus formation continues and exposure to water or chemical or dirty things continue. There is always a risk with the patients of Diabetes and separate treatment must be planned to reduce the blood sugar level.

Finally, one thing to remember though it starts with a bacterial infection or injury but later on fungus can make a tent there and can affect the other nails too.


Ø Haldi(Turmeric) heated with oil and local application.

Ø Garlic juice is a very strong anti-inflammatory agent and it can be used as a local application.

Ø Honey and cinnamon powder paste locally.

Ø Paste of Tulsi (Holy Basil) Gudduchi (Tinosporacordifolia) mixed with honey locally.

Ø Apple paste with vinegar mixes the solution, and keep your infected finger on that.

Nail Care Tips

Ø Be gentle when you manicure your nails.

Ø Avoid cutting your cuticles or pushing them back.

Ø Keep your nails away from frequent water exposed.

Ø Avoid nail-biting, by doing this we often cut the outer surface of our nail bed. Thus changes of infection increases.

Ø Avoid biting hangnail, it is a bad habit and often we have to pay for that in terms of nail bed infection.

Ø Avoid chemical exposer. Simple detergent is one of the major factors in this case. Keep your nails dry. Those who repeatedly wash their hands and feet are more prone to develop these positive aspects. In my personal view, have seen many people used to apply nail polish to reduce the pain, but by doing this we actually trigger the disease condition.

Homoeopathic Approach to Nail Infections:

Homoeopathic Remedies act wonderfully when symptoms match, it focuses on the patient as a person and the pathological condition. Homoeopathic medicines are selected after a detailed individualizing examination and case analysis. General remedies like Antim Crud, Sil, Hepar sulph, Sulphur, Graphites.

(Caution: Do not self- medicate, take homoeopathic medicines under the supervision of Homoeopathic Physician.)

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‘Angina’ is one of the earlier symptoms of coronary or ischemic heart disease and is caused due to the fat deposition inside the coronary arteries, accumulation of fat causing hardening and narrowing the blood vessels, thus slowing the blood flow to the heart muscle and depriving it of the much-needed oxygen supply.

Angina occurs especially under circumstances where the demands of the heart are increased like in cases of stress, emotional excitement, exertion, high blood pressure or structural changes to the blood vessels supplying the heart.

It presents with symptoms like-

  • Tightness or a constricting sensation across the chest, especially on the left side, accompanied by pain or numbness that radiates down the arms (especially the left arm) or to the back, throat or up the neck and jaw.
  • Nausea, vomiting, giddiness, pallor, tachycardia, breathlessness,
  • Increased perspiration and a state of fright and anxiety.

This is a condition that needs immediate medical assistance.

It is seen more commonly in males usually after the age of 40 and who have a strong family history. Some of the risk factors for angina are smoking, alcoholism, hypertension, severe anxiety and emotional stress, dietary excesses or deficiencies, high cholesterol levels, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, diabetes mellitus, excessive salt intake, etc.



  • In case you feel you are getting an angina attack, raise the head end of your bed by three to four inches or sit on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor. This will help to improve the blood flow in the legs. It is important to make the patient take strict bed rest for a day or two.
  • Stop smoking completely since it constricts the blood vessels and makes the heart work harder.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption produces many irregularities in the heart rate and also increases the cholesterol levels. So avoid taking alcohol.
  • Regular exercising like brisk walking on a flat surface and swimming is useful since exercise helps to improve the blood flow to the heart and it also helps to reduce the stress related to the attack, after the attack. The person has to be warned against exerting himself too much or to do any strenuous activities.
  • Doing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises help to avoid mental and physical stress and strain.
  • It is important to treat and control the risk factors like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, etc.



In the case of angina homoeopathic medicines are prescribed as per symptom similarities.

  • If the pain is sudden and is associated with tachycardia, anxiety and fear of death – give Aconite 30 C, three pills every ten minutes till the symptoms reduce.
  • When the pain is of a constricting type as if the chest is squeezed with an iron band accompanied with congestion and palpitation – Cactus Grandiflorus 30 C, three pills every ten minutes should be given till the symptoms become milder or five drops of the mother tincture Cactus grandiflorus should be given in a tablespoonful of water thrice daily.
  • In cases of spasmodic pain with a sensation as if the heart would cease to beat if they moved, with irregular slow beats, dyspnea with the inability to talk, give Digitalis 30 C, four pills every few minutes till relief is obtained.


Likewise various other remedies Latrodectus Mactans 30 C, Bryonia mother tincture,Mag Phos 6 X,Crataegus Oxycantha ,Kalmia Latifolia 200 C, Spigelia (Pink Root) 30 ,Cuprum Met 30 C are also commonly used depending on all different symptoms associated with angina.


(Note: Kindly do not self-medicate, it is advised to take this medicines under physicians surveillance only )

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Restless leg syndrome is an unusual neurological issue characterized by legs that feel as though they
need to get up and move.
Restless leg syndrome is not a deadly disease, and it doesn't indicate any other brain problems.
Nevertheless, it can be very disruptive to your quality of life.

Restless leg syndrome is often difficult to understand, because it is somewhat subjective feeling.
The idea behind RLS is that the legs make the individual feel as though they need to get up and
move. The symptoms of RLS are not always in the legs either. Some experience it in the arms, and
possibly the trunk.
The restless "feeling" itself may be different for different people. Some describe it as:
The feeling starts to become disruptive and noticeable, leading the individual to feel that they
absolutely must get up and move.

Why is Restless Leg an Issue?
Restless leg would not necessarily be a problem if not for when the experience occurs. During the
day in the workplace, restless leg may not be much of an issue – the individual simply gets up from
their desk, walks around, and sits back down.
Some people experience RLS while asleep, causing them to wake and not get enough rest. In
addition, one of the characteristics of RLS is "leg jerking." This is when the leg kicks out, thus waking
the person up from their sleep (and possibly kicking anyone next to them).
Restless leg symptoms also tend to get worse when relaxing.
For those living with restless leg syndrome, it's comforting to know that the disorder is not
dangerous or life threatening
However, restless leg can have secondary dangers, because a lack of sleep can cause stress, poor
decision making, and fatigue problems. RLS is its own disorder, but several types of health problems
(such as diabetes and nutrient deficiencies) tend to be more common in those with RLS. The reason

for this isn't entirely clear, but it's likely that the stress from a lack of sleep makes one at greater risk
for these health conditions.
Restless leg itself may also be stressful, and that stress can contribute to its own problems.

Causes of RLS
While restless leg is a neurological disorder, its causes are a bit less clear.
It's largely believed to be a genetic issue. More than half of all RLS cases are passed down from a
relative with RLS, indicating a strong genetic link.
Iron deficiency is also believed to contribute to RLS. Low levels of iron are common in RLS patients,
and many believe that those with "enough" iron may still not be getting enough to the areas of the
brain that need it.
Studies have shown that to some extent dopamine, which also may be involved in RLS, may also be
triggered or exacerbated by other underlying health conditions. Some of these include:

Celiac Disease
Thyroid Disease
Sleep Apnea
Magnesium Deficiency
Those with a vein disease were also found to more commonly have RLS. Some medicines can also
contribute to RLS, or trigger it temporarily.

Diagnosis of RLS
RLS is a subjective experience. Many people feel they have to move their legs without having RLS,
simply because of excess energy, positioning, etc. As a neurological disorder, there are also no tests
for restless leg to correctly identify who is experiencing it and who is not.
Generally, restless leg is diagnosed through the process of elimination and through shared
experiences.Often a doctor will try to rule out any underlying issues, and may check for vitamin
levels (to ensure there is proper amount of iron and other nutrients in the blood)

RLS Treatments
There are a variety of ways to treat RLS.
If any underlying symptom is present, then treating the underlying symptom will come first.

Doctors may also prescribe medications for those living with RLS.
Dopamine agonists are common, although most doctors will explore other options before using
these drugs.
Anticonvulsants may also be prescribed, with a few (like Gabapentin Enacarbil) designed specifically
for those living with RLS. These are generally recommended when the restless leg is considered
painful, since that pain can be very stressful.
Also, many sleep aids may be prescribed as well. This is to prevent the most troubling symptom of
RLS – the waking in the middle of the night.

Homoeopathic medicines are prescribed based on understanding the personality types and different symptom cures cases completely without any side effects.

Living with RLS
Restless leg syndrome can be a highly unpleasant disorder.
While it's not life threatening, it's stressful enough that curing it remains a top priority. Restless leg
prevents sleep, can be disruptive in both the workplace and at home, and causes enough stress that
those with RLS may be at risk for stress-related long term health issues.
Luckily, treating RLS is possible, and with treatment and lifestyle changes, anyone living with restless
leg syndrome should be able to control the issue in time.

Diet For RLS
You can add food rich in iron , magnesium and vitamin will help patients with RLS.
dark greens like chard, spinach, and dates
nuts and seeds, including pumpkin and squash seeds
fish like mackerel and tuna
beans and lentils

low-fat and non-fat dairy, including yogurt

In addition to diet and supplements, several natural treatments can offer relief from restless leg
syndrome. These treatments include:
sitting in a warm bath, which can relax muscles
oil massages
moderate exercise regularly, which can reduce symptoms of RLS
avoiding caffeine, which can agitate RLS and decrease magnesium in the body
utilizing relaxation techniques like meditation to lessen the stress that can aggravate RLS
establishing a regular sleep routine.


I Am Going To Give You 10 Healthy Food Which Will Make Your Every Meal Healthy And In Turn You Will Certainly Loose Weight In Right Way .

  • Lemons Best Source Of Vitamin – C  . Just One Lemon A Day Can  Increase  Good Cholesterol ( HDL) & Strengthen Muscles , Helps In Toning Up.

Lemons Are Known To Inhibit Growth Of Cancer Cells & Anti-Inflammatory In Nature.

  • Broccoli – Makes Every Dish Rich In Vitamin –K , Vitamin-C & Other Micronutrients . Also Fiber And Bone Building Nutrients.
  • Dark Chocolates – Mouth Watering Isn’t It ? Yes, You Read Right Dark Chocolates Are Healthy , As It Contains Flavonoids 53 Milligrams In A Bar . It’s Antioxidative Property Can Reduce Blood Pressure As It Can Reduce Bad Cholesterol – LDL & Increase HDL
  • Potatoes – Seriously !!! No, You Must Be Joking , How Can Potatoes Fit In Healthy Food Category ?

Yes, Potatoes They Are Healthy As When You Let Your Potatoes Cool Before Eating , Research Shows That Doing So Can Help You Burn Close To 25% More Fat After Meal, As It Contains Fat- Resistant Starch.

Also, Red Potatoes Are Rich In Cell Building Folates, Like In Spinach And Broccoli Whereas Sweet Potatoes Are Rich In Vitamin –A , One Potato Contains Almost 8 Times More  Vitamin –A Than Daily Need. Very Good For Cancer Fighting And Immunity Boosting.

  • Salmons – They Are Rich In Omega-3-Fatty Acids As We All Know . Also, It Is Rich In Niacin , Thus Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease And Depression.
  • Walnuts – Richest Source Of  Omega-3-Fatty Acids , It’s Daily Intake Reduces Risk Of Heart Diseases And Has Cancer Fighting Property . Also Contains Melatonin , An Antioxidant Known To Regulate Sleep. Advisable To Eat Walnuts Daily With Salads Or Dessert.
  • Avocados – Rich In Nutrients’ Like Folates , Beta- Carotenes & Fibers . Best Food For Salads , Reduces Cholesterol To Great Extent There By Reduces Your Risk Of Heart Diseases .
  • Garlic – Garlic Contains Allicin , A Compound That Works As Into-Inflammatory As Well As Antioxidative , Reduces Cholesterol And Blood Pressure Levels.


  • Spinach – One Of The Most Used Green Leafy Vegetable For Healthy Eye , As It Contains Lutein And Zeaxanthin . It Contains Micro & Macro Nutrients’. It’s good to add it to any smoothies.
  • Beans & Pulses

Rich Source Of Proteins , Add Sprouts To Your Meals Or Take As Salad.

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I often come across these questions, “why a homoeopath asks so many questions?”.
One often wonders why do you ask, “ what do you love to eat?”, which climate can you tolerate better?”, “ when do you feel more hungry?”

One may find such questions irrelevant, sometimes annoying as well and may think homoeopath is asking random questions. However, these are essential for any homoeopathic doctor to prescribe the right medicine.

To understand it better, Let’s have some insight into the science of homoeopathy & individualism.
Plato, a man ahead of his times, stated nearly 2000 years ago, “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”

In order to successfully treat a disease/group of symptoms, we need to look at many variables including lifestyle, diet, stress factors and the health status of various organs.
The universe and it’s contents are basically composed of Panchtattva or five basic elements comprising energy, air, fire, water & earth. These constitute a man too, as illustrated below :

Energy – Activity :
Dullness & lethargy or at the other end hyperactivity & restlessness, speak about an imbalance in the energy production in mitochondria of the cells. Energy production is a primary function of each and every cell of the body. Homoeopathic treatment aims at correcting the imbalance in energy.
Imbalance in energy gives signs and symptoms, which is named as disease.

Air – Mind :
It is essential to note natural traits of an individual like morals, intellect, will, extroverted or reserved, fears which are all expressions of his genes. His food cravings and aversions speak of imbalances of body, for instance, craving salt is a sign of adrenal fatigue, excess desire for soil could indicate iron deficiency

Fire – Thermal Axis :
A section of the brain (hypothalamus) controls thermoregulation. In addition, the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) of a person will determine whether he feels too hot or too cold as compared to others.

Water – Thirst :
Water makes up around 80% body weight. Thirst is the physiological urge to drink water. An increase/decrease is a reflection of what is happening inside the body.

Earth – Physical Appearance :
Traits like height, build, texture of hair, nails are a reflection of our genes, for example coarse, thick hair indicates a positive personality.

So, in spite we all are made up of panchtattva, we all are very individual when it comes to our lifestyles, behaviour, diet, thinking etc.

Thus answers to these questions vary from individual to individual and help in selecting the appropriate homoeopathic medicine which is also known as homoeopathic constitutional medicine.
Thank you.
Dr.Kinjal Shah.
M.D. (Hom.)
9769978874/ 9987000175
Kalp Clinic

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