What is Cancer?

Cancer is the most commonly seen disease in today’s era. Homeopathic drugs have proven biological action in cancer; in vitro and in vivo; in animals and humans; in the lower, as well as in the higher potencies. Cancer patients generally face a time when there is a decision with a life-and-death while choosing their treatment.

It becomes chaotic at times for patients and relatives to decide upon a line of treatment to follow.

Since most conventional treatments continue to be associated with severe adverse reactions and some- times fatal side effects, while homeopathy is free from such effects, it would seem plausible and worthwhile, even urgent, to step up the research on, and even the provision of, homeopathic treatment of cancer and other diseases. homeopathic medicines have proven to be offering the best palliative care for all cancer patients without side effects.

”Homeopathic cancer treatment has great promise, given the exceptional safety of the treatment and the relatively frequent observation of beneficial clinical effects.

If you look at research works, all studies of homeopathic cancer treatment are in reality investigating the effects of high-potency drugs, not the efficacy of homeopathic treatment. This should be kept in mind when we are talking about the treatment of cancer using homeopathic medicines. so it already says Homoeopathy has a lot to offer for cancer treatments. 

Depending 4s  i.e. Stage, shape, size & sphere of action of cancer Homoeopathic medication is chosen in the right power it is given to the patient. 


Generally, repetition of doses is frequent in fast-growing tumors. Carcinocin, staphysagria, thuja, anthracene, Ignatia, etc are some of the very well-known medics Homeopathy is a sub-arrangement of common cures in which extraordinary elements of substances from nature are utilized to form a mending and healing solution. The various homeopathic treatments for cancer are: Symptoms

Signs and symptoms caused by cancer will vary depending on what part of the body is affected.

Some general signs and symptoms associated with, but not specific to, cancer, include:

  • Fatigue
  • Lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin
  • Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain
  • Skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that won’t heal, or changes to existing moles
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits
  • Persistent cough or trouble breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness
  • Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
  • Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain
  • Persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising
  • Causes

Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous.

What do gene mutations do?

A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to:

    • Allow rapid growth. A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. This creates many new cells that all have the same mutation.
    • Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth. Normal cells know when to stop growing so that you have just the right number of each type of cell. Cancer cells lose the controls (tumor suppressor genes) that tell them when to stop growing. A mutation in a tumor suppressor gene allows cancer cells to continue growing and accumulating.
    • Make mistakes when repairing DNA errors. DNA repair genes look for errors in a cell’s DNA and make corrections. A mutation in a DNA repair gene may mean that other errors aren’t corrected, leading cells to become cancerous.


  1. Calcarea fluorica [Calc-f]: This homoeopathic solution for cancer is most helpful for lumps, bits or solid growths in the female breast. It will keep up the improvement of cancer and needs to be considered dependable in situations where the breast displays suspicious bumps.
  2. Lapis Albus [Lap-a]: A few instances of beginning tumours of the bosoms, showing the withdrawal of the areola, and the other trademark symptoms have been cured with this medication. It is of great use by and large for goitre Lapis is used in the treatment of dangerous uterine cancers where the discharge is dark and dangerous. Extreme smouldering PAIN all through the vaginal area takes place frequently.
  3. Silicea. [Sil]: This homoeopathic cure will regularly lessen the pain of cancer. lupus and sarcoma with a thick yellow and hostile release are treated with this.
  4. Hecla magma. [Hecla]: Osteomata (Bone Cancer), not alleged ivory tumours, but rather those of a very long-lasting nature are cured with this.
  5. Conium. [Con]: Cancer in the mammary glands and the start of scirrhous is cured with this. It is particularly effective in treating wounds and scars after surgery, it caters especially to glandular wounds. Epithelioma, extended gonads or uterine cancers are treated with this solution.
  6. Condurango. [Cund]: This homoeopathic solution for cancer has accomplished impressive results in terms of stomach cancer and different types of carcinoma. It alters the pain of open growth and carcinogenic ulcers.
  7. Baryta carbonic. [Bar-c]: Greasy tumours showing up here and there over the body are cured with this solution. It prevents them from advancing further.
  8. Baryta iodide. [Bar-i]: Hard carcinogenic tumours of the breast are treated with this.
    Ovarian cancer with a painful bump is also treated by the same. Phytolacca leads to fat development and may prove to be a culprit in greasy cancers and additionally in hard, excruciating nodes in the breast. Cancers of the breast especially when the tumours are hard, painful and purple are treated with it. It goes about as a retentive in fibroid tumours of the uterus.
  9. Arsenicum. [Ars]: This homoeopathic cure relates to the general problems of the cancer diathesis. However, we have different cures, which may force more control over the growth. It is said to be the right treatment for lupus. Its unique properties help in any type of tumour, be it cancerous or not. The sharp blazing and throbbing pain is also treated by this homoeopathic cure. According to the principles of homoeopathy, the patient is to be dealt with, not the illness. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a homoeopathic.

Anthroposophy and mistletoe injections do help in cases of widespread cancers and it controls rapid cell division. For more contact us.